Season of Epiphany

Moses Unfinished, Christ Finished

Moses’ death leaves the Israelites, and us, feeling like something was left unfinished. At the verge of entering the Promised Land, God takes Moses’ life. His journey to that land would remain unfinished. But what Moses left unfinished, Christ has finished on our behalf. Whereas Moses suffered death because of sin, we may know life because Christ has finished death – this week, on Sola Gratia.

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I’m a Survivor…in Christ Jesus!

We often feel like we are in survival mode. We are just trying to get through the day and not make waves, or avoid that one confrontation that nags at us. But we are survivors already! Through the waters of baptism and the word of God’s promise, we have been raised to new life in Jesus Christ! Join us as we explore how to lay our troubles at the foot of the cross as we are humbled to receive God’s forgiveness and promise of reconciliation and peace – this week, on Sola Gratia.

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Boatbuilding 101

Christ will make you a fisher of men. Just as God builds His Church like an expert shipbuilder, every one of us has a place in the body of Christ. When God claims us and and blesses us with the gifts from the Spirit, we all fit together to build up the church. We know that we are sinners and, like Peter and Isaiah, we may be afraid but we have the assurance of Christ’s message that He will be with us and will bless us with the gifts He has in store for us – this week on Sola Gratia.

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Meal Planning with the Word

Taste and see that the Lord is good. We are called to consume God’s word. We do this when we hear and read God’s word preached and in scripture, and when we come to the communion rail. But sometimes this can be a hard meal to eat. We can be intimidated or even upset by what we learn about ourselves. But God’s promise to be with us is more powerful than our worst fears or greatest doubts. Come learn how this is true for you.

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One Spirit

God blesses the Church and her members with many spiritual gifts, but jealousy and pride can turn these gifts into points of division in the Church. Fortunately, we have an all-powerful God who can use our weaknesses for good. Join us as we discuss how we all form the parts that make up the body of Christ, this week on Sola Gratia.

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